A man who vanished nearly 30 years ago at the age of 17 has been found alive in a neighbor’s house, confined in a hole under a sheep pen and hidden beneath stacks of hay. Omar Bin Omran, or Imran, disappeared from the city of Djelfa, Algeria, 27 years ago, and his family assumed he had been killed during the Algerian Civil War, a conflict between the government and Islamist rebel groups that raged in the 1990s and early 2000s.

The truth was much closer to home: Omar was discovered less than 200 meters from his family’s home. A 61-year-old neighbor is now in police custody after Omar, now 45, was rescued on May 12. Footage of the rescue, showing Omar emerging from a hole in the ground surrounded by hay, has been shared widely on social media and broadcast on Algerian television.

Omar’s family had long believed he was a victim of the civil war, but he was found in his neighbor’s house. A video shows Omar, with stray pieces of straw in his hair, looking up from the hole as torchlights shine on him. Other images have circulated showing a bearded Omar climbing out of the hole and as a teenager before he vanished.

Algerian newspaper El Khabar reported that the family’s dog, which recognized Omar’s scent near the captor’s house, was allegedly poisoned to ward off the family’s search efforts. Omar went missing in 1998 on his way to a vocational school, and a search was launched at that time. He was found after the captor’s brother aired grievances on social media, reportedly due to an inheritance dispute, prompting Omar’s family to storm the house and find him. The captor attempted to flee but was restrained and arrested.

Omar’s mother passed away in 2013, never knowing the fate of her son. Reports indicate that Omar was aware of his mother’s death while in captivity. A relative posted on Facebook, expressing gratitude for Omar’s discovery and noting that he was in good health despite his long disappearance.

Public prosecutors in Djelfa, a city about 140 miles south of Algiers, have stated that Omar will receive psychological care. The Djelfa Attorney General’s Office released a statement confirming Omar’s rescue and the arrest of the 61-year-old neighbor, who was charged with kidnapping. A court official emphasized that an in-depth investigation was ordered and the suspect was immediately detained.

The case has drawn comparisons to other long-term kidnapping cases, such as that of Jaycee Dugard, who was held captive for over 18 years. Omar’s case may be one of the longest-running kidnapping cases in the world.

Questions remain about why Omar did not call for help during his captivity. Algerian media reported that Omar claimed he was under a spell cast by his abductor, which prevented him from calling out. However, his diminished psychological state might also explain his inability to seek help.

This harrowing case has shocked the local community and raised significant concerns about the circumstances and duration of Omar’s captivity. The Algerian Ministry of Justice has promised severe punishment for the perpetrator and assured that Omar will receive the necessary medical and psychological support as he begins his recovery.