Australian model Amber Luke has revealed her dramatic transformation into ‘Dragon Girl’ through a series of before-and-after photos showcasing her $250,000 metamorphosis. Amber, who was once a fresh-faced blonde with no tattoos, has spent a significant amount on extreme body modifications and ink.

Amber’s early social media photos show her with minimal makeup, smooth platinum blonde hair, and a leather jacket over a striped top. This appearance contrasts starkly with her current look, characterized by extensive tattoos and numerous body modifications.

In her transformation journey, Amber has undergone several extreme procedures, including injecting blue ink into her eyeballs, splitting her tongue in half, and acquiring over 600 tattoos. She often showcases her elaborate body art in racy bikinis and bondage-style lingerie.

Amber shared a video using a popular voiceover about ‘missing the girl she was,’ only to defiantly state she ‘gutted her from the inside out.’ She captioned the post with ‘BYE BYE – RIP,’ signaling her complete embrace of her new identity.

Earlier this month, Amber appeared on the Australian TV show Studio 10, where she expressed no regrets about her radical transformation. She emphasized that the experience made her resilient and strong, despite the physical and emotional challenges she faced. Her pre-transformation photos reveal a strikingly different person, whom Amber described as a ‘plain Jane’ before her extensive modifications.

Amber’s body modifications include a breast augmentation, cheek and lip fillers, pointed ear implants, and a Brazilian butt lift. A particularly harrowing procedure was the blue ink injection into her eyeballs, which left her blind for three weeks due to the needle being pushed too deep. “They literally inject your eye with a syringe,” she explained on Studio 10, describing the excruciating pain and complications she endured.

Amber’s transformation journey began at 16 with her first tattoo, which she described as a ‘negative energy release’ and a milestone. She likened the experience to something euphoric and peaceful, a sentiment she still holds. Amber’s bold modifications have garnered her significant attention and a lucrative career on OnlyFans, where she capitalizes on her unique appearance.

Despite her stunning natural beauty in her younger years, Amber felt tormented and numb, struggling with severe depression and self-hatred. She shared a poignant photo from when she was 18, reflecting on her mental health struggles and the journey to self-acceptance through body modifications.

Amber has used her platform to secure endorsements and promote alternative brands and photographers. She is set to appear at Sexpo in Brisbane alongside other alternative models, further solidifying her place in the adult entertainment industry.

Amber’s path has not been without legal troubles. In December 2020, she pleaded guilty to drug charges after police found drugs and related paraphernalia in her home. Despite the charges, she avoided jail time and received a sentence of immediate parole to seek treatment for her mental health issues.

Amber’s journey is a testament to her resilience and determination to create an identity she is proud of. She advocates for a broader acceptance of alternative beauty standards and the breaking of societal stigmas surrounding tattoos and body modifications.