Although a TikTok user thought it was a good idea to slather erection cream on his lips to make them appear bigger, doctors urge beauty enthusiasts to skip this trick. The cream did appear to work wonders for the male beauty blogger in the TikTok video, but doctors call the beauty trend unsafe and “utterly ridiculous” and should be avoided at all costs.

The viral video that sent TikTok’s beauty sphere into an enthusiastic spiral was created by Jerry Mal. In the video, the young man slathered the cream intended to help men suffering from erectile dysfunction remain potent through sex. Mal wanted a plumper pout to his lips and so decided to try the erection cream to see if it could make his lips swell to unnatural levels.

Although Mal declared himself “sold” on the idea of putting the erectile dysfunction cream on his lips, doctors warn others to stay away. Mal allowed the cream to work on his lips for a few moments before wiping it off and seeing that his lips were “lusher,” as reported by Daily Mail.

The video that revealed the new TikTok trend has more than 3.5 million views. In the clip, Jerry Mal explains that he first became interested in putting erectile dysfunction cream on his lips after he saw information about the cream on television.

“Basically, I saw a movie where a girl put erection cream all over her lips, and it made them really big, so I wanted to try it. I forgot what the movie was called, but here we go,” he said.

Because he saw it happen in a movie, he decided to try it on his lips. Consequences be damned!

The movie that uses the erection cream was A Nice Girl Like You, starring Lucy Hale, according to some astute TikTok users.

In his viral video, Jerry spreads his lips and applies the French erection cream. He applies a lot of the product to make sure he gets the most use from it.

“It kind of tingles. It doesn’t feel terrible, but we’ll see,” he said in the video.

Jerry Mal waited about five minutes before he could already see results working. His lips looked bigger and fuller, so he put his lips up to the camera to show them off.

Although he wanted to wait for a total of ten minutes, the cream was “burning really bad,” so he removed it after eight minutes.

“I kinda like it, I’m not gonna lie,” he said.

Because topical erectile dysfunction medications are often vasodilators, the product widens blood vessels and increases blood flow. This means that more blood was flowing to Jerry’s lips after he applied the French product. This is why his lips appeared plumper after the application.

Nevertheless, the trend has horrified doctors.

TikTok dermatologist who goes by Derm Doctor responded to Mal’s video, saying: “I don’t know exactly which cream is being used in the video, but all erection creams work by using vasodilation, which increases blood flow to a given area.”

He added, “Increased blood flow will lead to swelling of the area. It takes about 15 minutes to work, and it lasts for about an hour. So, all the benefits of plumping will be completely temporary. Also, these creams were not made to be ingested or consumed by mouth, and this probably not safe if it’s ingested. It does work, but I would not recommend it.”